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Sweater Care

Without proper care, sweaters become unbearable and unfit to wear. Some points on how to take care of sweaters are:-sweater-care

  • Drying – Laying a sweater down to dry helps the sweater to retain its shape and size. After a wash in a washer a sweater should be laid out on a towel and rolled to get rid of the excess water. Once roll-dried, it should be folded into the shape wanted and only then put away. The easiest and fastest way to dry a sweater is to lay it between two chairs.
  • Reshape – Sweaters often loose shape due to various circumstances. To get a shrunken sweater back in shape, it should be soaked in a tub containing hot water and hair conditioner. Another way to stretch a sweater is dissolve one ounce of borax in a bucket of lukewarm water, immersing the sweater in it, and gently pulling it back in shape.
  • Loose threads – A loose thread should never be cut. Pulling it through the back side will help in evading the problem.
  • Deodorize – After each wearing, a sweater should be deodorized. This helps in minimizing wrinkles and makes the sweater look and feel good and fresh.
  • Moth damage – If moth damage is found on a sweater, it should be immediately cleaned and the moth damage should immediately be repaired to avoid any more harm to the sweater.sweater-care-india
  • Storage – While storing the sweater, it should be made sure that the sweater is cleaned properly and stored in a cool, dry place. Also care should be taken that clean sweaters are not mixed with used sweaters to avoid cross contamination of the sweater.

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