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Trains Delhi Patna

Patna is one of the important and beautiful city of state Bihar. Due to not more richness and plain landscape trains are very common traveling resources here. All kind of trains are available on 24 hours and 7 days.

Delhi is connected with Patna with flexible and high range of trains. Bihar is very important state in producing various crops and rice specially. So cheap transportation by trains of these all things keep rates of rice low for people across the country.

Trains from delhi to Patna are available in flexible and various timings. Reservation and cancellation of tickets make easy and cheap traveling for passengers.

Trains from delhi to Patna are as follows-

Sr. No. Tran Name Departure time Arrival Time
1 Patna Rajdhani Express 17.10 5.35
2 Patna Garib Rath 16.50 5.55
3 Bramhaputra Mail Express 23.30 14.45
4 Magadh express 20.10 11.30
5 North East Express 6.40 22.10

For more information visit indian railway site:- http://www.indianrail.gov.in/

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