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Agrasen Jayanti Festival In Rajsamand

Agrasen Jayanti is also celebrated now a days by the agrawal persons in Rajsamand . Maharaj Agrasen was the eldest son of King Ballabh of Pratapnagar. This is said that Maharaja Agrasen was the King of Agroha and born over 5185 years ago .On the day of Agrasen Jayanti they celebrate this festival in his memories .

Maharaja Agrasen believed in sacrifice and nonviolence . He has now become an icon of nonviolence. he want peace all over . His thoughts are like mahatma Gandhi. Many people celebrate his birthday on 14 Oct also . Many people of Agrawal samaj come together and make a big procession on the day of Agrasen Jayanti and then celebrate this festival After that A special pooja also done by them .

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