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Rajsamand To Sirohi

The roadway of Rajsamand to Sirohi is nice. Sirohi is a nice city. It is Approx 228 Kilometers road distance from Rajsamand to Sirohi. Sirohi is a very nice place to travel. There are many places to visit like gold fort near Pratapgarh, vasantgarh, varman sun temple, chnadravati, sarneshwar temple, mirpur, ajari, sarvadham temple, bamanvad temple, temple street, karodidhwaj temple, ambeshwar temple, pavapuri temple and bheru tarak dham. The Ways to reach Sirohi are listed here.

Air : The nearest airport is at Udaipur and it is 110 kilometer far from sirohi district.

Train : There are nine major railway stations in the district sirohi. A 62 kilometers stretch of Ahmadabad Delhi railway line passes through the sirohi district. Trains are also available due to distance and timing.

Road : Sirohi is well connected with road. There is Rajasthan Roadway Deluxe, Super deluxe buses as well as private travel buses are also available from major cities.

Local Transport : Unentered tempos, taxi and city buses is easily available for local transport.

The best time to visit Sirohi is during the winter months from September to March. Winter months are pleasant enough for long stays.

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