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Rajsamand To Dholpur

The roadway of Rajsamand to Dholpur is nice. Dholpur is a famous city in rajasthan. It is Approx 610 Kilometers road distance from Rajsamand to Dholpur. Dholpur is a very nice place to travel. There are many places to visit like Jhor Mughal Garden, Muchkund, Talab E Shahi, Shergarh, shahi gantaghar, chambal and beehad, vanvihar, ramchandra and hanumaan temple, saipau mahadev temple, radhavihari temple, mazar of mauni siddh baba, devhans gadhi, sone ka gurja, lotus garden, badi ka kila, chopra temple, idar khan makbara and masjid. The Ways to reach Dholpur are listed here.

Air : Dholpur’s nearest airport is at Agra and it is 60 kilometers far from dholpur.

Train : Dholpur district is well connected with rail. The total rail length in the dholpur district is 105.15 kms. Trains are also available due to distance and timing.

Road : Dholpur district is well connected with road. All the towns of the district are well connected with State Highways. Dholpur is located at National Highway No – 3. Rajasthan Roadway Deluxe, Super deluxe buses as well as private travel buses are also available from major cities.

Local Transport : Unentered tempos, taxi and city buses is easily available for local transport.

The best time to visit Dholpur is during the winter months from November to March. Winter months are pleasant enough for long stays.

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