Rajsamand Dot In

Rajsamand To Banswara

The roadway of rajsamand to banswara is nice. It is Approx 231 Kilometers road distance from Rajsamand to banswara. It is said that a Bhil ruler Bansia ruled over it and Banswara was named after his name. Banswara is a very nice place to travel. There are many places to visit like Shri Raj Mandir, Kagdi Pick Up Wear, Anand Sagar Lake, Dialab Lake and Abdulla Pir. The Ways to reach Banswara are listed here.

Air : Nearest airport is Udaipur which is 160 kilometers far from banswara.

Train : Nearest railway station of banswara is in Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh which is 80 kilometer far and connected with all major cities of country.

Road : Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya pradesh Roadways and private travel agencies operate some frequent buses to major cities of country.

Local Transport : unentered auto rickshaws and cycles rickshaws are available to visit in city .

The best time to visit Banswara is during the winter months from September to March. Winter months are pleasant enough for long stays.

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