All of us once seen a tiger in our life. but now a days this beautiful animal can be seen very rare. We cannot see many tiger now it may also be possible that our future generation will only see their photos and videos only because the tigers are left very few about 1441. The project of Save Tiger was started by government of India in 1972.
Save Tiger Project In India :
As we all know that there are very few tigers are left in jungles in India, so govt. of India is trying hard to save them. Some decades ago

we can see them in circus but now we can see them only in a Zoo or in a Jungle safari at a national park. The population of tigers are decreasing day by day because the nature and jungles are being converted in cities. To save tiger we have to increase quantity of trees in jungles. People hunt them for their tooth, bones and amazing skin (Khaal). So our government had started many related projects to save tigers and other animals.
The honorable court of India has made rules tough and hard if someone found killing a tiger or another related activity, hard punishments are given to them who do so. So it is also a good step to save tigers. Govt also adopt jungles and wild life sanctuaries where tigers can live freely and protected in a pollution free place. People do not understand that animal also have a right to live in this world, like the human have right to live.
We can say like dinosaurs are not more in our world, it may be possible that our child will not be able to see these tigers live. So every citizen of India have to contribute with the Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Project Tiger, save our tigers, Save the Tiger, save tiger campaign, save tiger India, Save Tiger Project, save tigers, Save Wildlife Tiger
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Diwali is a festival of light and celebrated with a lot of joy and happiness throughout India. But Diwali of year 2005 emerged out as a Diwali of terror in Delhi, the capital of India. Three blasts rocket the Sarojini nagar market of New Delhi on the auspicious day of Diwali, claiming more than sixty lives. This explosion of terrorism, did achieve their goal of spreading terror in the hearts of the Indians, momentarily.
On this national holiday of Diwali, markets were crowded and shop owners were content with the sales. These sudden blasts dampened the spirit of Diwali. The relatives of the victims of the blasts were emotionally thrashed. They never had the courage to light a single diya. Lighting of a diya is a symbol of welcoming the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Some shop owners did not have the heart to celebrate Diwali because the death of their near and dear one had cast a shadow onto their lives.
This weekend blast had implanted terror in the people of Delhi-ites. The shop keepers were scared to open the shops and shoppers were terrorized to go out on the streets to complete their Diwali shopping. Some citizens could not brace themselves to celebrate Diwali, as a respect to the dead victims. Read the rest of this entry »
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Ilayaraja Work In Hindi Films:
Ilayaraja is a very famous and talented music director, singer from south India. He has given music to Some of Hindi films also.
Ilayaraja Work In Hindi Films:
Chal Chalein
Cheeni Kum
Mumbai Express
Appu Raja
Aur Ek Prem Kahani
Saza-E-Kala Pani
Mumbai Xpress
Divorce : Not Between Husband and Wife
Hey Ram
Velu Nayakan
Aadmi Aur Apsara
Tags: Ilayaraja, Ilayaraja Work In Hindi Films
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