Cashmere Sweaters

Cashmere Sweaters
The fiber Cashmere is unarguably one of the finest fabrics available on earth. Coming from underneath the chin part of a goat living in the mountain areas, the fiber, cashmere is a beautiful and more delicate type of material than traditional wool and must be cared for and cleaned extremely gently.
Cashmere is produced mostly in China, Mongolia, Iran and Afghanistan. The value of cashmere is influenced by the fineness of the fibers, the length of the fiber, and the vibrancy of the color. Chinese cashmere is the costliest as it comes from pure white goats only. This white cashmere makes it easy for the manufacturers to dye it in any color they choose.
Just like any other expensive product, there is a difference between quality cashmere or a cheap one. The cashmere fibers are never found to be equal and so, the process to turn raw fibers to cashmere is pretty complex and time consuming. It is this process that makes the Cashmere sweater so valuable and expensive. It is by this process that the quality of the cashmere sweater is determined.

Cashmere Sweaters India
Cashmere is made into different styles respectively for men, women and infants. V-neck cashmere sweaters are made for both men and women. Cashmere wrap sweaters and cashmere cardigan sweaters are also availed. Producing a cashmere sweater takes a long time. The demand for a cashmere sweater is also huge. Often the supply of cashmere sweaters is not able to meet the demand for them. This results in exploitation of the environment. To avoid this, Cashmere sweaters shouldn’t be bought just for their fashion value, rather the product should be taken care of so that it can last long.
To enhance the longevity of the fabric, the following steps must be taken to wash the sweater:-
- The sweater should be soaked and rinsed in lukewarm water and a good natural detergent or soap.
- To eliminate excess of water, press the cashmere but do not twist or wring it.
- To dry the cashmere sweater, roll it on a dry towel. And then press it again to get rid of the remaining water. Now allow it to dry. Never hang a cashmere sweater.
- Folding of a cashmere sweater is fine.
Cashmere sweaters are supposed to be Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Cashmere Sweaters, Cashmere Sweaters for men, Cashmere Sweaters for women
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