Management Colleges of Rajasthan
Here some of the best management colleges in Rajasthan are listed.
Top management colleges in Rajasthan:
No. |
                           College Name | City Name |
1 | Aravali Institute of Management | jodhpur |
2 | JaipurInstituteofIntegraed Learningof Management | Jaipur |
3 | BV’s Women Institute of Studies in Dev. Ori Management | Banasthali |
4 | Center for Management Stuides | Jaipur |
5 | Department of Managemnet Studies | jodhpur |
6 | Department of Managemetn | Kota |
7 | Faculty of Management Studies | Jaipur |
8 | Faculty of Management Studies | Udaipur |
9 | IndiaInternatioanlSchoolof Management | Jaipur |
10 | Indian Institute of Health Managemet Research | Jaipur |
11 | Indian Institute of Management Science | Jaipur |
12 | Indian Institute of Reual Management | Jaipur |
13 | Instituate of Management Studies | Pratap nagar |
14 | JaiNarainVyasUniversity, Department of Business ManageMent | jodhpur |
15 | Subodh Instiute of Management & Carrer Stuides | Jaipur |
16 | Mahastra Arind Institute of Science & management | Jaipur |
17 | MaharishiDaynedSaraswathiUniversity,SchoolofManagementStudies | Ajmer |
18 | Malviya Regional Engg. College ,SchoolofManagementStudies | Jaipur |
19 | Management & Commerce Institute of Global Syberey | Ajmer |
20 | MKM Indian Institute of Management | Sikar |
21 | ModiCollegefo Engg, & Technology | Sikar |
22 | MohanlanSukhadiaUniversityFaculty of Management Studies | Udaipur |
23 | OmKothair Instiuate of Managemtn | Kota |
24 | Pacific Institute of Management | Udaipur |
25 | RA Podar Institute, of Managemetn studies | Jaipur |
26 | The Instiuate of Certified Mangement Accountants ofIndia | Jaipur |
27 | Apex instituate of Management | Jaipur |
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