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National Tree of India Banyan

National Tree of India Banyan –

Banyan Tree is the national tree of India .The Banyan tree grows in India. The name “banyan” comes from the “Banyans” who are the merchants from India and they set up there shop in the shade of these banyan trees. Banyan Tree is a symbol of togetherness for all cultures and peoples of the world. It’s branches root themselves like new trees over a big area. The banyan tree is like a meeting point of Indian villages and the villagers meets and talks some under the shade of this Banyan Tree.

The largest banyan tree of the world is at over 420 m wide and found in Calcutta India. The Banyan Tree take high rank in the myths and legends of India because The Banyan tree symbolises the Trimurti – lord Vishnu is believed to be the bark, lord Brahma believed to be roots and Shiva believed to be branches.

Banyan Tree gets nourishment and water from the air. The wood of banyan tree is soft and very useful to all. it’s Height goes up to 100 feet .The Banyan Tree begin the life from top branches of palms. It is said Alexander the Great also camped with A big army of approx 7,000 soldiers under a banyan tree. It is also said that Buddha sat under the shade of banyan for six years .

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