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Rajsamand To Jalor

The roadway of Rajsamand to Jalor is nice. jalor is a nice city in rajasthan. It is Approx 182 Kilometers road distance from Rajsamand to Jalor. Jalor is a very nice place to travel. There are many places to visit like Jain temples of Adinath Mahavira Parsvanath Santinath, temples of Santinatha and Ashtapads, bhinmal, sanchore, Jalore Fort, Vaishnava temple and Jain temples of jalor fort and tomb of Malik Shah. The Ways to reach Jalor are listed here.

Air : jalor’s nearest Airport is situated at Jodhpur.

Train : The jalor district is well connected by the Meter gauge rail line of the Northern Railways. Total length of Railway line is 127 kilometers. Trains are also available due to distance and timing.

Road : National Highway 15 passes through the Jalor district. jalor is well connected with road. The total road length in the district is about 2660 kilometers. Rajasthan Roadway Deluxe, Super deluxe buses as well as private travel buses are also available from major cities.

Local Transport : Unmetered tempos, taxi and city buses is easily available for local transport.

The best time to visit Jalor is during the winter months from November to March. Winter months are pleasant enough for long stays.

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