Here some of the best finance colleges in Rajasthan are listed.
Best finance colleges in Rajasthan:Â
No. |
                          Colleges Name |
City Name |
1 |
DeepshikaCollegeOf Techinal Education |
Jaipur |
2 |
Indian International Institute Of Management |
Jaipur |
3 |
Indian Institute Of Rural Management |
Jaipur |
4 |
Maharishi Arvind Institute Of Science & Management |
Jaipur |
5 |
Jaipur |
Tags: jaipur mba college list, mba rajasthan university, mca colleges rajasthan
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Here some of the best management colleges in Rajasthan are listed.
Top management colleges in Rajasthan:
No. |
                           College Name |
City Name |
1 |
Aravali Institute of Management |
jodhpur |
2 |
JaipurInstituteofIntegraed Learningof Management |
Jaipur |
3 |
BV’s Women Institute of Studies in Dev. Ori Management |
Banasthali |
4 |
Center for Management Stuides |
Jaipur |
5 |
Department of Managemnet Studies |
jodhpur |
6 |
Department of Managemetn |
Kota |
7 |
Faculty of Management Studies |
Jaipur |
8 |
Faculty of Management Studies |
Udaipur |
9 |
IndiaInternatioanlSchoolof Management |
Jaipur |
10 |
Indian Institute of Health Managemet Research |
Jaipur |
11 |
Indian Institute of Management Science |
Jaipur |
12 |
Indian Institute of Reual Management |
Jaipur |
13 |
Instituate of Management Studies |
Pratap nagar |
14 |
JaiNarainVyasUniversity, Department of Business ManageMent |
jodhpur |
15 |
Subodh Instiute of Management & Carrer Stuides |
Jaipur |
16 |
Mahastra Arind Institute of Science & management |
Jaipur |
17 |
MaharishiDaynedSaraswathiUniversity,SchoolofManagementStudies |
Ajmer |
18 |
Malviya Regional Engg. College ,SchoolofManagementStudies |
Jaipur |
19 |
Management & Commerce Institute of Global Syberey |
Ajmer |
20 |
MKM Indian Institute of Management |
Sikar |
21 |
ModiCollegefo Engg, & Technology |
Sikar |
22 |
MohanlanSukhadiaUniversityFaculty of Management Studies |
Udaipur |
23 |
OmKothair Instiuate of Managemtn |
Kota |
24 |
Pacific Institute of Management |
Udaipur |
25 |
RA Podar Institute, of Managemetn studies |
Jaipur |
26 |
The Instiuate of Certified Mangement Accountants ofIndia |
Jaipur |
27 |
Apex instituate of Management |
Jaipur |
Tags: bba college rajasthan, hotel management colleges rajasthan, mba rajasthan university, medical colleges Rajasthan
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