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Management Colleges of Maharashtra

Here some of the best management colleges in Maharashtra are listed.

Top management colleges in Maharashtra:



                            College Name City Name
1 H.K.C.C..M. InstituteofManagement Research & Development Ahmednagar
2 Amrutvahini Institute of Management & Business Administration Ahmednagar
3 InstituteofBusinessManagement & Rural Development Ahmednagar
4 InstituteofBusinessManagement & Administration Ahmednagar
5 Rayat Institute of Management Research For Rural Devlopment Ahmednagar
6 InstituteofManagement Studies Career Development & Research Ahmednagar
7 Department of Master of Business Administration Amravati
8 Vidya Bharti Institute of Research & P.G. Studies In Science & Management Amravati
9 Bhartiya Gramin Punarrachana Sanstha”S Rajashree Shahu Institute of Management Aurangabad
10 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad
11 Rajarshi Shahu Institute of Management Aurangabad
12 Mahatma Gandhi Mission’sInstituteofManagement Aurangabad
13 Maulana Azad Education Trust’s Aurangabad
14 Aditya College of MBA (Aditya Educatuion group) Beed
15 Department of Management Science & Research Bhandara
16 Sardar Patel Mahavidyalaya Department of Management Studies & Research Chandarpur
17 Gondia Education Society”S Department of Management Technology & Research GONDIA
18 Department of Management Studies JALGOAN
19 Godavari Institute of Management & Research JALGOAN
20 Khandesh college Education Society”S Institute of Management & Research JALGOAN
21 Bharati Vidyapeeth”S Institute of Management Kolhapur
22 Chh. Shahu Institute of Business Education And Research”S Kolhapur
23 DeshbhaktaRatnappaCollegeof Commerce Department of Management Kolhapur
24 Kolhapur Institute of Technology”S Institute of Management Education & Research Kolhapur
25 ShivajiUniversity’S Department of Commerce / Management Kolhapur

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